Mon - Fri 8:00 - 15:30
Wed 8:00 - 14:00

Phone: +420 774 707 286

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We IMPORT, SUPPLY, and service these products

Jet Dryer® hand dryers

Jet Dryer® hand dryers

Hot air hand dryers Jet Dryer®

Hot air hand dryers Jet Dryer®

Kitchen waste disposers for households EcoMaster®

Kitchen waste disposers for households EcoMaster®

Commercial food waste disposers EcoMaster®, Waste King®

Commercial food waste disposers EcoMaster®, Waste King®

Tap hand dryers 2in1 Jet Dryer®

Tap hand dryers 2in1 Jet Dryer®

Donner® AutoFlow automatic batteries

Donner® AutoFlow automatic batteries

Automatic touchless dispensers Donner®

Automatic touchless dispensers Donner®

Manual Donner® dispensers

Manual Donner® dispensers

Sink basket Donner®

Sink basket Donner®

Donner® filter cartridges

Donner® filter cartridges

Toilet seats

Toilet seats

Kitchen sinks

Kitchen sinks

Granite flower pots

Granite flower pots

Bamboo furniture

Bamboo furniture

Sink faucets

Sink faucets

Coffee machine filters

Coffee machine filters

Drinking water filtration

Drinking water filtration

Filters for refrigerators

Filters for refrigerators

Wine dispensing vending machines VinoTek®

Wine dispensing vending machines VinoTek®


Zajímavé základní a množstevní rabaty 

Interesting basic and quantity discounts 

Podklady pro prezentaci včetně xml feedů

Materials for the presentation including XML feeds

 pomůžeme vám při řešení reklamací a oprav 

we will help you with complaints and repairs 

Zapůjčení produktů zdarma

Borrowing products for free

Odběr zboží na fakturu

Goods collection on invoice 

elektronická výměna dat

Electronic data interchange

a další výhody

and other benefits 


The online store is operated by the company WELT SERVIS spol. s r.o. Business ID: 25356275, VAT ID: CZ25356275 located at Třebovická 5046 / 59, 722 00 Ostrava - Třebovice.
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Ostrava, section C, insert No. 9914.

Copyright © 2014-2025 WELT SERVIS spol. s r.o.